Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Village Technologies Report

After meeting with VT, they have made several eco and energy recommendations:

  • Site plan: Consider light colour roofing and porous paving materials to allow for storm water to be reabsorbed.
  • Building envelope: Metal roof and rough in pipes and wiring for future PV or solar thermal. Extend overhangs on south elevation, rigid insulation on underside of floor joists. Drywall/vapour barrier on garage ceiling. R3 or R4 windows. 24" on centre for wall studs, ICf for basement, InstaPanels (R14.5-R12) below the basement slab.
  • Energy use: Use power bars to reduce 'phantom load (save 5-8% of energy use).
  • Energy Recycling possibilities: Drain Water Heat Recovery recycle 60-70% of heat going down the drain -$1500-1800 installed. HRV to improve indoor air quality ie. bring fresh air in and exhaust stale air.
  • Passive energy potential: Solar air collector outside of building: $3300 ROI 4-6 years
  • Heating and cooling possibilities: Water to air geo system - approx cost $30K with savings over $3K per year. ROI is 14-16% for first year and payback in 5-7 years.
  • Photovoltaic analysis: South and West facing recommended.
  • Grey water recycling recommended - at least rough in
  • Rain water harvesting - use a series of rain barrels; cistern and system quite $$$